First visit

Primary consultation

The first visit is very important for a complex functional and aesthetic treatment, knowing each other doctor – patient and understanding the needs and expectations of the patient from the beginning and creating the premises for a successful treatment.

The first consultation is divided into two sessions.

First visit includes:

  • primary clinical consultation;
  • general medical and dental history;
  • interview, requirements and expectations of the patient;
  • 2D and 3D imaging;
  • aesthetic analysis, recording the study models;
  • digital photos set and video;

A second meeting is set after processing and interpretation of information recorded and it includes:

  • analysis of study models and of the made simulations;
  • presentation of digital simulation (digital smile design);
  • diagnosis and treatment plan;
  • evolution and prognosis if the ideal treatment plan is chosen;
  • alternatives to ideal treatment;
  • presentation of the cost for every treatment stage;
  • agreement for starting treatment and presentation of the offered guarantee.

Treatment costs

At the end of the second stage of the initial consultation, the patient will receive, in addition to the treatment plan and alternatives, detailed treatment costs for every stage of it, for each of the alternatives proposed. All costs will be communicated before treatment itself, so the patient has all the necessary information.

The cost of the consultation and of the preliminary tests is fixed and communicated to patients since the first visit.
Disclaimer: Any modification of the treatment plan due to changing local or general situation which could not be anticipated before treatment, will be communicated in real-time to the patient. In this case, the new situation will be evaluated and together with the patient we will chose the best treatment solution.


Types of consultation

  • Estetica
  • Implantologie
  • Endodontie
  • Ortodontie
  • Parodontologie
  • Patologie orala
  • Ocluzologie

Primary consultation

150 LEI
  • Consultatie clinica
  • Apreciere status dentar
  • Interpretare radiografie panoramica (OPG)

Specialized consultation

300 LEI
  • Consultatie clinica
  • Apreciere status dentar
  • Interpretare analiza imagistica completa (OPG si CBCT)
  • Plan de tratament

Additional investigations

  • OPG
  • CBCT bimax
  • CBCT arcada
  • Sedinta diagnostica endodontie
  • Set complet modele de studiu

Consultatii si investigatii diagnostice

consultatie primara150 lei
consultatie de specialitate300 lei
set complat modele de studiu190 lei
sedinta diagnostica endodontie300 lei
microbiotest - identificare bacterii parodontale (12 markeri)460 lei

Radiologie si imagistica 3D

radiografie intraorala20 lei
radiografie panoramica (OPG)60 lei
tomografie articulatie temporo - mandibulara (CBCT ATM bilateral)460 lei
tomografie (CBCT) arcada375 lei
tomografie (CBCT) bimaxilar650 lei

Tratamente pentru copii

profilaxie copii150 lei
sigilare dinti temporari100 lei
sigilare dinti permanenti150 lei
obturatie dinti temporari sau permanentide la 140 lei
tratament de canal dinti temporari250 lei
extractie dinti temporari150 lei

Tratamente pentru adulti

profilaxie adulti290 lei
obturatie compozitde la 190 lei
tratament de canal sub microscopde la 500 lei
element protetic ceramic (coroane, punti)de la 1400 lei
proteza acrilica totalade la 1400 lei
proteza scheletatade la 6700 lei

Estetica dentara si dento-faciala

analiza estetica (analiza clinica, esthetic check list, set up foto)500 lei
tratament albire1400 lei
fateta ceramicade la 2200 lei
terapie laser estetica gingivala460 lei
estetica faciala, mezoterapiede la 1000 lei

Implantologie orala si parodontologie

implant dentar premium3600 lei
aditie osoasa, bone splitde la 2300 lei
terapie parodontala initialade la 650 lei
tratament parodontal complex/ chiuretaj in camp deschisde la 900 lei
tratament parodontal minim invaziv pentru acoperirea retractiilor gingivale2300 lei

Chirurgie orala minimal invaziva

extractie simpla200 lei
extractie molar de mintede la 450 lei
chistectomiede la 600 lei
canin inclus900 lei
sinus lift3300 lei


aparat mobil / arcada1100 lei
aparat ortodontic fix fizionomic / arcada4750 lei
aparat ortodontic fix/ arcada3650 lei
aparat ortodontic Incognito/arcada13500 lei
aparat ortodontic Invisalign24500 lei
Years of experience
Courses and congresses


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