Editia a X-a Implants Connected to Nature
Cluj, 25-27 Octombrie 2018
Biology = Stability. Durability. Esthetics...
Esthetics Forum
Iasi, 12-13 Octombrie 2018
Soul of Esthetics
Lisabona, 20-22 Septembrie 2018
Minimally invasive dentistry: from oral surgery to no prep veneers. Marketing or reality?Esthetics ForumIasi, 20-21 Octombrie 2017
Long term stability in the esthetic zone: a biological approach in implant patientsHeart of EstheticsZagreb, 21-23 September
Imediate Implant Placement: Think Biologically!Congresul International de Estetica DentaraBucharest, May 2017
Think Minimally Invasive: Predictable Esthetic and Functional Results with the Tissue Level ImplantsESCD Winter MeetingBucuresti - Poiana Brasov, February 2017
Open Healing - Minimally Invasive Today5th Symposium of Dentofacial AestheticsGoce Delcev UniversityStip, November 2016
Growing Factors: Added Value for Minimally Invasive Surgery. A Myth or Reality?BTI DayBucuresti, October 2016
Long Term Predictable Esthetic Results with the Tissue Level Implants1st World Congress: Controverses in Esthetic Implant DentistryIstanbul, June 2016
Open Healing Protocol as Alternative Ridge Augmentation Procedure in Implant PatientsPrezentare acceptata la EAO 2015European Association of OsseointegrationStockholm, September 2015
White & Pink Aesthetics in Daily Practice - A Minimally Invasive Biological ApproachCongress ImplantoDaysPoiana Brasov, Iunie 2015
Minimally invasive approach to today's implantology 12th International Congress of Esthetic Dentistry Bucharest, May 2015
Open Healing Protocol as Alternative Ridge Augmentation Procedure in Implant PatientsNYU Global Implantology WeekNew York, March 2015
“Open healing”, myth or reality?11th International Congress of Esthetic DentistryBucharest, May 2014